Thursday 24 March 2011


Below are some excerpts from my article about Cambridge, England.


Gazing up at the elegant fan vaulted ceiling of Kings College Chapel, I began to sense the power and intrigue of this famous University town.  I was on a walking tour of Cambridge, England, with my husband and son, to find out more about the town’s history and prestige.

King's College Chapel
The fan vaulted ceiling
Our group wended our way around narrow cobblestone alleys lined with black and white tudor buildings, while our guide Rosalind reeled off an impressive list of the University’s famous graduates. They include poets Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Sassoon, scientists Sir Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawking is a current Professor...

...Soon we strolled into the expansive Front Court of Kings College, surrounded by pale stone gothic and classical buildings.  The Chapel seemed more like a Cathedral to me, with its pointed arches, and two spires at each end.  Apparently it must be called a Chapel as it is a private building.  Inside, we ran our hands over the intricately carved roses, crowns and gates in the dark oak organ “screen,” which is more like a wall.  The spectacular lapis and ruby coloured stained glass windows reflected the wealth of the English monarchy at the time it was constructed.  The ceiling weighs a couple of tons and I could see why it took the reign of 5 Kings to build it...

Punting on the river Cam

...In the afternoon we stepped aboard a punt on the Cam River, alongside the jade-awninged Mill pub.  Our group included Jemima, a very cute Lahso Apso dog and her owners.  We were so low to the ground, it felt like we could easily fall out.  Our entertaining guide Ollie warned us good naturedly to hold onto our dentures, small children, prosthetic limbs and animals.  “There are emergency exits everywhere” he reassured us as we began to punt alongside the atmospheric backs of the University Colleges.  “Just watch out for the piranhas and crocodiles!”  The autumn red and gold coloured trees, and verdant parks along the river bank were very pretty. 


All pictures and material copyright to Leeanne Templer. Full article around 1000 words and more photographs available for publication.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Leeanne, I am following your blog. It looks really great! See you, Jutta

  3. I loved visiting Cambridge a few years ago. I came up on the the train from London for an afternoon. King's College Chapel was so beautiful.

    Your post and photos brought back nice memories of that day.
